

Hit Refresh

Hit Refresh: The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone

Hit Refresh: The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone


But after years of outdistancing all of our competitors, something was changing—and not for the better. Innovation was being replaced by bureaucracy. Teamwork was being replaced by internal politics. We were falling behind.

Microsoft organization chart as warring gangs, each pointing a gun at another. 引用:assets.sbnation.com

the caricature really bothered me. But what upset me more was that our own people just accepted it.


The last thing I wanted was for employees to think of culture as “Satya’s thing.” I wanted them to see it as their thing, as Microsoft’s thing.


Books are so often written by leaders looking back on their tenures, not while they're in the fog of war. What if we could share the journey together, the meditations of a sitting CEO in the midst of a massive transformation?

前半では empathytransformation の2つの言葉が目につく。

This is a book about transformation—one that is taking place today inside me and inside of our company, driven by a sense of empathy and a desire to empower others. But most important, it’s about the change coming in every life as we witness the most transformative wave of technology yet—one that will include artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and quantum computing.





What does it mean to Hit Refresh? I encourage you to answer that for yourself. Start the conversation in your institution. Start the conversation in your community. And please, share with me what you learn, and I'll continue to do the same.




深読みしすぎたかも。Hit Refresh とは単に転機とか新装開店という意味かもしれない。

I had been recruited to join Microsoft as a twenty-five-year-old evangelist for Windows NT

Kathleen Hogan, a former Oracle applications developer who now leads human resources and is my partner in transforming our culture.


They’d say culture was my job or HR’s job. We were dead wrong.

“We can have all the bold ambitions. We can have all the bold goals. We can aspire to our new mission. But it’s only going to happen if we live our culture, if we teach our culture.

Our culture needed to be about realizing our personal passions and using Microsoft as a platform to pursue that passion.

What is the computing platform of the future?


—three leadership principles—for anyone leading others at Microsoft

  1. bring clarity to those you work with
  2. generate energy, not only on their own teams but across the company
  3. find a way to deliver success, to make things happen


A leader has to have an idea what to do—to innovate in the face of fear and inertia.




And we want Microsoft to be their partner. To do so, there are four initiatives every company must make a priority.

  1. engaging their customer base by leveraging data to improve the customer experience.
  2. they must empower their own employees by enabling greater and more mobile productivity and collaboration in the new digital world of work.
  3. they must optimize operations, automating and simplifying business processes across sales, operations, and finance.
  4. they must transform their products, services, and business models.

transformation という言葉は組織改編と業務革新の2つの意味で使われている。顧客の業務をデジタル化によって革新する4つのステップ。

E + SV + SR = T/t

Empathy + Shared Values + Safety and Reliability = Trust over time



It’s important to be dedicated to creating great products, serving customers, and earning profits for our investors—but it’s not sufficient. We also need to think about the impact of our actions on the world and its citizens long into the future.

