


Reinventing Organizations: An Illustrated Invitation to Join the Conversation on Next-Stage Organizations

Reinventing Organizations: An Illustrated Invitation to Join the Conversation on Next-Stage Organizations




People need to be mixed together to stop them becoming inward-looking and defensive. Organizations need to think about pay and incentives.


Compensation and incentives

One of the first questions people often ask is: so when there are no more bosses, who gets to decide who makes how much money? Who gets a pay raise or a fat bonus?


  • RED: Sharing the spoils
  • AMBER: Same work, same pay
  • ORANGE: Individual incentives
  • GREEN: Team bonuses

Talking about bonuses, here is an interesting finding: none of the organizations I researched believes in individual or team incentives.

この点においては AMBER の同一労働、同一賃金が良いということなんだろうか。労働の動機づけは賃金格差ではなく承認欲求?

intrinsic motivation, calibrated by peer emulation and market demands

Because there is no team manager, space becomes available for other natural and spontaneous hierarchies to spring up—fluid hierarchies of recognition, influence, and skill.

TEAL と色付けされた組織の特徴は、


Teal organizations have found the key to upgrading their structures from hierarchical, bureaucratic pyramids to powerful and fluid systems of distributed authority and collective intelligence.


Organizations have always been places that encourage people to show up with a narrow “professional” self. Teal organizations have developed a consistent set of practices that invite us to drop the mask, reclaim our inner wholeness, and bring all of who we are to work.

Evolutionary purpose

Teal organizations are seen as having a life and a sense of direction of their own. Instead of trying to predict and control the future, members of the organization are invited to listen and understand what the organization is drawn to become, where it naturally wants to go.

他の人からアドバイスを受けるプロセスを経て最終的には各個人が意思決定をする権限をもつ。Patagonia(従業員数 2,000) がこのような組織の一例として挙げられている。TEAL 組織を実現する条件は、

  1. Top leadership: The founder or the top leader (let’s call her the CEO for lack of a better term) must view the world through Teal lenses; she must have grown into that perspective, or Teal management practices won’t make sense to her.
  2. Ownership: Owners of the organization and their representatives must also understand and embrace a Teal worldview.


Buurtzorg(従業員数 14,000)のヘルスケア分野での成功例、

Cleveland Clinic の成功の一因にも固定年棒制が挙げられていた。



  • マネージメントの基本に戻り組織の存在意義(shared passion for their work or the team’s larger reason for being)を再定義する。
  • 資格制度をつくり採用者全員のある一定の動機づけと業務遂行能力を保証する。
  • 同一労働、同一賃金


  • 経済成長を前提として昇格と昇給をもとめることをやめる。
  • 恐怖心を煽ることで人を管理することをやめる。