



The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition

The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition


This book is a belated answer to Tom Watson's probing questions as to why programming is hard to manage.

大規模ソフトウエア開発の古典、といってもたかだか20数年前の本。TEAL 組織で大規模ソフトウエア開発はできるのだろうか。医者の仕事と何が違うのだろうという意識をもって読み直してみる。

The challenge and the mission are to find real solutions to real problems on actual schedules with available resources.


Deep within, we want others to use our work and to find it helpful.


The Joys of the Craft

Few media of creation are so flexible, so easy to polish and rework,

The programmer, like the poet, works only slightly removed from pure thought-stuff.


ソフトウエア開発者はアスリートのようなものとする(アスリートが達成することを芸術的なものと形容する)のなら、その管理にはプロ・スポーツ・チームの管理法を使い続けるべきで、TEAL 組織へ進化しようとすることは間違いなのだろうか。

First, one must perform perfectly.

Next, other people set one's objectives, provide one's resources, and furnish one's information.

In management terms, one's authority is not sufficient for his responsibility

TEAL 組織で意思決定を個人にまかせ管理者がいないというのは問題なのだろうか。



organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.

    — M. Conway